Disable AOS (Animate On Scroll) on a specific Shopify section

Disable AOS (Animate On Scroll) on a specific Shopify section

Elevate the visual appeal of your Shopify store with this guide. In this tutorial, you'll discover how to use Custom CSS to incorporate captivating background images into specific sections of your Shopify website. Whether it's a hero banner, product showcase, or any other element, this customization will breathe life into your online store, making it uniquely yours.

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigate to your section

  2. Open Custom CSS

  3. Target AOS Class

  4. Set Opacity

  5. Disable Transform

  6. Disable Transition

Elevate the visual appeal of your Shopify store with this guide. In this tutorial, you'll discover how to use Custom CSS to incorporate captivating background images into specific sections of your Shopify website. Whether it's a hero banner, product showcase, or any other element, this customization will breathe life into your online store, making it uniquely yours.

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigate to your section

  2. Open Custom CSS

  3. Target AOS Class

  4. Set Opacity

  5. Disable Transform

  6. Disable Transition

Elevate the visual appeal of your Shopify store with this guide. In this tutorial, you'll discover how to use Custom CSS to incorporate captivating background images into specific sections of your Shopify website. Whether it's a hero banner, product showcase, or any other element, this customization will breathe life into your online store, making it uniquely yours.

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigate to your section

  2. Open Custom CSS

  3. Target AOS Class

  4. Set Opacity

  5. Disable Transform

  6. Disable Transition

What is Animate On Scroll?

What is Animate On Scroll?

AOS is like a magician's wand for your Shopify store. Imagine this: your website is a stage, and each element on your page is a performer waiting in the wings. AOS allows these performers to step into the spotlight when your audience is ready to see their act. It's a brilliant technique in web design that adds a touch of elegance and interactivity.

AOS is like a magician's wand for your Shopify store. Imagine this: your website is a stage, and each element on your page is a performer waiting in the wings. AOS allows these performers to step into the spotlight when your audience is ready to see their act. It's a brilliant technique in web design that adds a touch of elegance and interactivity.

Why use AOS on your Shopify store?

Why use AOS on your Shopify store?

Well, it's all about captivating your audience. When visitors scroll down your page, AOS animates elements into view. This isn't just about aesthetics; it's about engagement. It's a way to surprise and delight your customers, making their shopping experience more dynamic. It can draw attention to key products, highlight special offers, or simply make your site more fun to explore. By adding a dash of motion to your store, AOS can help you stand out from the static crowd and keep your customers coming back for the next act. It's like giving your website a bit of extra sparkle.

Well, it's all about captivating your audience. When visitors scroll down your page, AOS animates elements into view. This isn't just about aesthetics; it's about engagement. It's a way to surprise and delight your customers, making their shopping experience more dynamic. It can draw attention to key products, highlight special offers, or simply make your site more fun to explore. By adding a dash of motion to your store, AOS can help you stand out from the static crowd and keep your customers coming back for the next act. It's like giving your website a bit of extra sparkle.

Why Disable It?

Why Disable It?

Shopify Custom CSS is your digital design tool, allowing you to tailor the appearance of your online store precisely. It's like being a digital fashion designer, where you can choose the colors, fonts, and layouts that perfectly match your brand's style. This tool grants you the freedom to create a unique and distinctive look for your store, setting it apart from the rest, much like a bespoke piece of clothing tailored to perfection.

Shopify Custom CSS is your digital design tool, allowing you to tailor the appearance of your online store precisely. It's like being a digital fashion designer, where you can choose the colors, fonts, and layouts that perfectly match your brand's style. This tool grants you the freedom to create a unique and distinctive look for your store, setting it apart from the rest, much like a bespoke piece of clothing tailored to perfection.

Serious Business Zones:

Serious Business Zones:

Some parts of your website, like the checkout page or the terms and conditions section, need to maintain a professional and straightforward demeanor. AOS might be too flashy for these areas and distract from the core purpose.

Some parts of your website, like the checkout page or the terms and conditions section, need to maintain a professional and straightforward demeanor. AOS might be too flashy for these areas and distract from the core purpose.

Loading Speed:

Loading Speed:

AOS animations, while delightful, can slightly increase the loading time of your pages. In areas where speed is of the essence, such as your homepage or product listings, you might choose to turn off AOS to ensure swift access to crucial content.

AOS animations, while delightful, can slightly increase the loading time of your pages. In areas where speed is of the essence, such as your homepage or product listings, you might choose to turn off AOS to ensure swift access to crucial content.

Mobile Optimization:

Mobile Optimization:

Mobile users are often on the move and looking for speedy access to information. Some animations, especially intricate ones, might not translate well to mobile devices. Disabling AOS in mobile-specific sections can improve the user experience.

Mobile users are often on the move and looking for speedy access to information. Some animations, especially intricate ones, might not translate well to mobile devices. Disabling AOS in mobile-specific sections can improve the user experience.

Accessibility Concerns:

Accessibility Concerns:

AOS animations should not hinder accessibility. In areas where accessibility is a top priority, like your customer support or contact page, you might disable AOS to ensure that all visitors can access the information they need.

AOS animations should not hinder accessibility. In areas where accessibility is a top priority, like your customer support or contact page, you might disable AOS to ensure that all visitors can access the information they need.

Content Overload:

Content Overload:

When you want to focus your visitors' attention on essential content, such as a limited-time offer or a featured product, the absence of animations can help in creating a more focused and uncluttered environment.

When you want to focus your visitors' attention on essential content, such as a limited-time offer or a featured product, the absence of animations can help in creating a more focused and uncluttered environment.

Step 1: Navigate to your section

Step 1: Navigate to your section

Scroll to the section where you want to disable animate-on-scroll and left-click.

Scroll to the section where you want to disable animate-on-scroll and left-click.

Step 2: Open Custom CSS

Step 2:
Open Custom CSS

Scroll to the bottom of your selected section's menu and open up Custom CSS.

Type the following:
.aos-init is a CSS class selector. This code will apply the following styles to any HTML element with the class aos-init.

Scroll to the bottom of your selected section's menu and open up Custom CSS.

Type the following:
.aos-init is a CSS class selector. This code will apply the following styles to any HTML element with the class aos-init.

Step 3: Target AOS Class

Step 3:
Target AOS Class

Type the following:
.aos-init is a CSS class selector. This code will apply the following styles to any HTML element with the class aos-init.

Type the following:
.aos-init is a CSS class selector. This code will apply the following styles to any HTML element with the class aos-init.

.aos-init {

Step 4: Set Opacity

Step 4 -
Set Opacity

opacity: 1 !important; sets the opacity of the selected element to 1, making it fully visible. The !important declaration is used to give this style the highest priority, overriding any other styles that might apply to the element.

opacity: 1 !important; sets the opacity of the selected element to 1, making it fully visible. The !important declaration is used to give this style the highest priority, overriding any other styles that might apply to the element.

.aos-init {
opacity: 1 !important;

Step 5: Disable Transform

Step 5: Disable Transform

transform: none !important; sets the transform property to "none," which essentially means no transformation is applied. This can be used to reset any previous transformation (e.g., translations or rotations) applied to the element.

transform: none !important; sets the transform property to "none," which essentially means no transformation is applied. This can be used to reset any previous transformation (e.g., translations or rotations) applied to the element.

.aos-init {
opacity: 1 !important;
transform: none !important;

Step 6: Disable Transition

Step 6: Disable Transition

transition: none !important; disables any CSS transitions on the selected element. Transitions control how property changes are animated, and by setting this to "none," any previously defined transitions will be canceled.

transition: none !important; disables any CSS transitions on the selected element. Transitions control how property changes are animated, and by setting this to "none," any previously defined transitions will be canceled.

.aos-init {
opacity: 1 !important;
transform: none !important;
transition: none !important;